Memories of Dxb-part II

Thought for the day: "One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important."…- Bertrand Russell Continuing further from where I left off, in memories of Dubai , specially now that Baroda beckons, here goes: Let’s see now- I had ended the last post at how weekends would go in learning the ropes at work. I spent only @ three months in Engineering. The market was somewhat dull at that time(Now that I’d arrived, I knew things would pick up, since God has decreed that I’m not supposed to get idle breaks in my life. LOL), but there were some interesting challenges that the then Contracts Manager (a Brit) had in the pipeline for me. One of them was a project that is a Dubai landmark- a project the Co was not able to handover due to the local authorities saying that drainage water (from drainage pipes running along the walls) coming on the pavement, which spoiled the beauty of this landmark. Nor were they willing to let these pip...