
Boss!! Big Boss!! What do you associate the term with, at work? Egoistic? Ego maniac? Corrupted with power? Self-opinionated? Biased? Well, which are the most funny ‘Boss’ dialogues you’ve heard? I could recount quiet a few, but, here’s the best(worst?) - (This one, when we were trying to explain the economics of using black n white printouts, instead of colour printouts to office folks): “I’m the boss. So, I deserve colour printouts ”. - I’m the boss, so I’ll go in the lift first . (This, when there was space for only one person in the lift). - Baroda railway station, at midnight: I’m the boss, so I’ll use the confirmed ticket, and use the berth. You may sit in the RAC seat. (This happened when I was a rookie at work, just below a year old at the had been my ticket that was confirmed.LOL). - (This one was a Boss in my previous co, but, he was parallel to me, i.e. I didn’t report to him). I heard him telling his subordinate: Let’s not bother about Amit’s hassles. Let us l...