Holidays,traffic et al

One factor I always find irritating when I’m in Baroda, is the various holidays craftsmen take. I mean, we had this long-pending work to be done at home, including re-tiling the floors, painting, etc, and, I’d scheduled it all so that it’d finish in 15 days, leaving me 15 days to take care of other matters. However, it was one constant run-around every day. One day, the workers cycle tire punctured, they came late, another day, it rained(for just ½ hr) and they did not turn up. Another day it was Amavasya ( No-moon day) and they did not turn up. The sliding-windows installer committed that he’d finish the work on 10th, and he did not turn up till 13th, and took another 3 days to finish. Finally, all the works ended on 26th, instead of 15th, a full 11 days late, leaving me with no time to meet friends / relatives. Anyway, the moot point is, the work got finished and that’s what matters, right?

One amazing fact about Baroda is, that the traffic there is probably much more than it is here. And,more variety too. Who can imagine bicycles, scooters, cars, conferencing cows, goats, dogs, bullock carts, autorickshaws, trucks, tempos et al, all running together on a busy road? In spite of this smorgasbord, I did not get stuck in a traffic jam(I use my trusty kinetic only) anywhere, compared to the daily traffic jams here in Dubai, where road discipline is so high. This, when, more often than not, someone will rush out on his vehicle from a lane into the wrong side, bang opposite you, and then look daggers at you as if you’re the nutcase who doesn’t know that driving on the correct side on the road is lunacy.

Forget about lane-driving-there’s lanes at most major roads, but, they’re only for those who, when in lane 1, suddenly get tempted to shift to lane 3 or the other way round, without showing any tail lights. Autorickshaw-wallas are more decent- when they are about to turn, they stick out their foot as an indicator that they are about to make a turn towards right or left.
Speaking of scooters, I was impressed by the battery operated scooter which this friend has- it runs totally on a battery, he charges it daily, and it gives him a run of around 80 kms daily. The only drawback is that you get a max speed of 30 kms, but, how much faster than you need to go? The beauty of it- the monthly expenditure on it- just Rs. 50/-.
Imagine that v/s the 1000/- plus you spend on petrol and regular maintenance of two-wheelers. ---
Fun time now:
Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming:(For the man, obviously)

1)When you’re wrong, admit it.
2)When you’re right, shut up.

Question of the week :

When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE?
Answer : On their wedding day
Quiz:I get stuck with a piece of meat between the buns. When I get old I get limp. You're never satisfied with a little head. What am I?
According to a survey in Glamour magazine, 80% of women say they have been creeped out at work when an older man tried to have s*x with them. The other 20% got promotions.
Till next time,keep smiling!!


austere said…
Cows.. but of course. For camels you need to go to A'bad. :)

I'm surprised you didn't lose your cool at these workmen. That is one way M'bai is different. On the dot.
AmitL said…
Hi,,thank you..haha..I see them already in UAE.:)

The workmen?Well,what do you do?There's so much work in the market,it's like they're the client and are doing us a favour.:)
workmen indigo happening here. spent the last six months chasing them i think
Anonymous said…
haha, good ol' India.. some things never change, do they?:P

Hi Amit.:)

Loved ya first paragraph. So true and frustrating it can be. When you get your dateline plans. And to get others to make it happen just makes it quite a ball to handle sometimes.:)

And lol on man and marriage!:D

Keshi said…
so the 20% who got promotions slept with their bosses? Cant be. They prolly killed their bosses. LOL!


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