Guess Who?

Guess who these two smart 'I'm a Complan boy /I'm a Complan girl'kids are??

Guess what Preity's doing?
How do you start a South Indian race?
A: Reddy, Shetty, Po!
And another one:
Q: Why are Tamils the horn*est race?
A: Because, they greet you with 'Wanna Come'!
(Wannakam-got it?)
Topic for the day: Oh,those people!!
You know,I just realized another type of people who irritates me.They are those who stand in the queue of a self-service restaurant/cafe, and don't do their menu selections till they are at the cashier's window. Then,they begin their eenie-meenie-miny-mo game,and stand there for 15 minutes,deciding what to gobble,err,eat! Then,they give their order,and change it four-five times,leading the cashier and the other hungry ones standing behind them to tear their hair in anger.
In fact,how about those who,when in a big group, are unable to decide what to order? And then,to show off their friendliness,they'll ask the (im)patient waiter
'What's this Gobi 65?'
'Which flavours are in this 10-flavour utappam?'
'Which is the speciality of the house?'
And,finally they end up ordering puri-bhaaji and a glass of water. And,of course,no tip for the waiter for such a small order!
Arghhhh..for people like me,who eat to live,this kind of discussion and wavering mind is sheer torture,believe me!!
And,on that note,adieu for today!!Keep laughing!


Soham Shah said…
I think the boy looks like shahid kapoor ..

The girl looks like ayesha takia .. It's a wild guesss .. I think i m sure about the boy being shahid but i m not sure abt the ayesha takia ..
Solitaire said…
I dunno who the boy is but I know for sure the girl is Ayesha Takia!!
Solitaire said…
You don't wanna display your jeopardy award that Vrij designed with so much effort? :(
austere said…
Preity is counting her pennies.

No clue.
Harsha said…
Boy is Shahid Kapur and girl is Ayesha Takia

and hey come on, How are you supposed to order a dish without knowing whats in it??
Shahid Kapoor and Ayesha Takia? I did not know that! Just read from people's answers here :)

As for Preity Zinta, I think she is collecting coins for a vending machine. Looks like she is having difficulty counting, no?

Reddy, Shetty, Po! ROFL =D
Arunima said…
shahid kapoor. I don't know the girl.

Preity is counting coins.
Keshi said…
I dunno who the kids r :(

but Preity Zinta mebbe counting her coins?

AmitL said…
Good heavens,we sure have some smart bloggers here... everyone guessed right,about Shahid and/or Ayesha.

Hi,Soham..right on both accounts.:)
Hi,'re right.:)And, see the next post,with the award.
Hi,Austy...well, it was Preity after IPL's losses,the caption where I got the pic,said.:)
Hi,Harsha..good lord,don't tell me-you check out the dishes you're ordering so closely??:)
Hi,Shreya..well,you're forgiven,since I'm sure you wouldn't have seen the ad.
Re. Preity..hehe..that could be what she's doing,too..but,see the answer I gave Austy.
LOL at your LOL at the Q-A joke.
Hi,Arunima..the gal is Ayesha Takia.
haha..Preity is counting coins,instead of notes,post-IPL
Hi, wouldn't have seen the ad, I,I'll find a diff. quiz for you,specially!:)And,the Preity Zinta pic..nice guess.:)

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