In buying everything from safety shoes to swimming pools and Jacuzzis, I tend to have and hear the most interesting conversations. The latest one went: (After long technical discussion): Frustrated supplier(His price was too high): Well, you must make an apple to apple comparison with my competitors. My colleague: Well, have you seen two apples which are exactly alike ? Supplier(flustered) : Not really. Colleague: There’s your answer. ---- That reminded me of my first job. I was sitting, taking interviews of freshers, to be taken as GETs(Graduate Engineer Trainees), and one enthusiastic guy, trying to convince us of his skills, said: Him: Sir, I can sell ice to an Eskimo . Me: Really? Him: Yes, Sir. Me: Ok. Go ahead- I’m the Eskimo.Sell ice to me. (The Manager settled back in his chair, with a big smile on his face). Him: (A bit flustered). Well, err..let’s see….(then, he kept trying for 15 minutes. And, was unable to convince me and our Manager) Him: (Finally): Sir, I admit- I can’t ...