I speaketh the good English

Some gems I've come across lately: - "Do not use this chair for any other purpose than massage" ==================== - Today's menu: -Red Bins -Black Bins -Masala Singh ================== - Please do not spit this area. ==================== - Have a great fun on the water boat. ==================== Was checking out my visitor tracker, and,apparently,these are some of the searches that brought people to my blog: Search Term 1 25.00% ideas to fool with fake birthday gifts 1 25.00% bhakharvadi recipe with photo 1 25.00% meri shirt bhi sexy 1 25.00% good recipe of poona misal Amazing,huh, what people search for, and,how it brings them to a blog.:) ==================== Till next time, then. Cheerio...got lots more to write about, but, all that in the next post(s). Which,if it isn't before 01.01...