Toothaches and eclipses,et al

Quote for the day: Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door..Dr. Laura Schlessinger Well,it's much better now, finally. After 10 days. I was telling this friend about how my toothache was more or less gone, today. I'd gone immediately to the dentist, when I felt the first signs. For the first time, I came out of his office, hearing his words' all fillings are perfect. You're taking good care'...LOL..and, he simply said, this pain is nothing- take a PC(painkiller)and it'll go in 2-3 days. So, this friend says' It's because of the eclipse. Everyone's been having some troubles or the other since it occurred. It(eclipse) leaves a lot of negative energy after it's occurence, you see'. Well, what do you make of it?Is it right to blame a poor ole eclipse for a tooth ache? --- Dentist reminds me-the last time I'd been to his place, he'd explained a cavity in the lower teeth saying' Well, you see, the low...