Five Questions

Thought for the day: Don't Insult the Alligator till after you cross the river. Sometimes, reading one's own past posts can be a delight(Ahem!) . I did that, when I was feeling a bit tired earlier in the day. And, came up with some gems. So, for those who missed them, here goes: This was an article in a local mag.Dinglish,is,simply put,Dubai English. It says that many Britishers, who return to their homeland, find it difficult to remember their root language,because,in the words of one of them'I found the range of my vocabulary had diminished and my grammar had become simplified'. That line made me go through the whole article,and,it brought out some fun facts. Local linguists believe that Dubai English will be here any moment now,though what Dinglish will sound like is a hard call.Options: E.L.F.(English as a Lingua Franca) ,like a U-certificate English,with the difficult words removed. School teachers are coming from all over the globe,and kids are picking up an amal...