How do you say 'Yes' ? I'm curious. Do you say 'yes' and then swing your head from left to right to left? I first came to know @ this character trait some years back, when I first came here. The Boss at the first Co was talking to me, and I'd say 'Yes', and swing my head from left to right. One day he asked me' Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?What is'Yes' and then a shake of the head?' That day, I went home and did a mock check in front of the mirror, and it turns out he was right- so I consciously changed the habit and now I nod my head when agreeing. And, me being me, I began observing people to see how they agree- believe it or not, a majority of Indians(specially) have this habit. Makes me grin now to think about it. So, you tell me- do you agree in harmony with voice and body? ---- There's also this trait people have- of 'describing', so, someone giving directions to someone on the phone makes his hand go lef...