Examples of the Law Of Attraction : 4

I shared my first job experience some time back. The second experience, which, on looking back, is also a good example of the LOA at work without me knowing it . Here it is: In between the 14.5 yrs that I spent at my first Co : There was a time, around 1993 end, when the level of politics became too high.. my boss was kicked out, and, some silly incidents happened besides this too. At this time, I wished for a new good job everyday , and one fine day, I got a call from a Japanese Co for their local collaboration office in India. They had received my CV and wanted to meet me. I went there, a Japanese took the interview, and I was selected with a promise of a trip to Japan for training. Next day, I quit in my first company, and everyone was shocked, as they were thinking I was ‘just cribbing’, and would never quit. Senior colleagues tried to convince me to stay, and appreciated my value to the company, and said that they would give me also an opport...