Birthday Memory

Hi all...a bit late in the day but goes an update on how the birthday passed... On 22.02, I was in Doha(not the Gujarati word that means 'old man') Qatar, for a meeting...the day flew by..(maybe a separate post on observations)..returned at 10 at night. Fell asleep, woke up at midnight..(yea..birthday time), courtesy an awesome leg muscle pull that didn't let me stand straight for the first 5 minutes....and then, slowly it became better.have had this prob long back, but it'd vanished..wonder what caused it? ah harm done. Normal routine and then off to work..couldn't find time to breathe that busy day. Reached home in the evening and guess what? Fell asleep at 7...hahahahaha..well, that was a birthday that flew by,na? R gave the right suggestion- have a blast over the weekend to make up.And I followed that advice.(separate post) Next day, checked on Facebook-and,voila- 25 birthday greetings...I didn't really expect that 25 people ...