
 Hi all positive people.. a topic I often think over.. it's something which helped a lot in changing my thoughts towards the positive side (Again, learned via the Secret)... and, still does, in this always continual learning curve.

The subject: Perception... my own perception: Think over it, specially, your negative thoughts and emotions about people and things - you find someone to be angry, you find them to be always complaining, you hate(That's the worst negative word, according to me.. better to dislike than hate, if you have to) someone or something.
Think over it... are those persons or things like that? Or, it it your perception of how they are? Have you tried to put yourself in their place to see if they are, deep inside worried about something else, and that worry comes out as irritation towards you?
One of the best remedies: Smile, bless that person or those persons and wish them all the best.. if they don't change, nee, not them, but YOUR perception of them doesn't change, and causes you unhappiness, well, move on... think of what makes you happy, what makes you joyful...and see how things change... in short, as the Secret says, stop thinking of what you don't want and begin concentrating on what you DO want. And, see the magic happen. Good luck.


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