Tag:40 questions

(PS What'd be your caption for this pic?) Mine is:

'OMG-I'm tagged'.

was  tagged by LP(Thank You, LP)  to do this tag some days back. Here goes- hope I can do as good a job of it as she did: 

1. What is your current obsession? 
The Secret-the book, the movie, the audio.

2. What are you wearing today?
Something decent. LOL.
3. What’s for dinner?
It’s still breakfast time-which was branflakes with cold milk, and two slices wholemeal bread.
4. What’s the last thing you bought? 
Green tea with fresh panchamrut mix-right after my walk in the park-small glass, enough energy to last for 3 hrs.

5. What are you listening to right now?
Just listened to(during my walks): Dhan Te Nan, Dil Bole Hadippa(Three rocking songs-title, Bhangra Bistar, Discowaale..., perfect for walking fast),and some more racy numbers.
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Fun-loving, good writer. Has her heart in the right place.:)

7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? 
Matheran or Kodaikanal- for retirement prior to final retirement to that ‘heaven’ly place up there.

8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? 
A cap, odomus, sunscreen lotion, water bottles.(anyone expecting jockeys or bikinis?hahahaha..sorry to disappoint)

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?

10. Which language do you want to learn?

11. What’s your favourite quote?
If you walk with your face towards the sun, your shadow will fall behind you.

12. Who do you want to meet right now?
My Mom(she passed away in 1990-would have been my parents’ anniversary tomorrow)

13. What is your favourite colour?
Blue-all shades, specially navy blue.

14. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you.
1.Short hair cut.
2.Pleasant smile..
3.Soft voice.

15. What is your dream job? 
Owning a Crossword-like books/music/stationery/coffee shop.

16. What’s your favorite magazine?
Too many to list- all except politics.

17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
I have but I wouldn’t- am tired of materialistic things.:)

18. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Orange jacket and trousers-a la Dev Anand in some movies.

19. Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon?

20. What kind of haircut do you prefer? 
Chhota – less head,err,hair aches.

21. What are you going to do after this? 

Back to work-via-email. Got 3-4 orders to finalize.
22. What are your favorite movies? 
Hungama, Khosla Ka Ghosla, Awaara Paagal Deewana, the James Bond series, Carry On Doctor,…

23. What inspires you? 
Books like ‘You Can Win’ and ‘ The Secret’.

24. What do your friends call you most commonly? 

25. Would you prefer coffee or tea? 
Gujjuland ke hain, bhai- chai of course-cutting or otherwise. 

26. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
Listen to music, sit quietly, close eyes.
27. What makes you go wild?
 Seeing people doing something wrong deliberately.

28. Which other blogs do you love visiting? 
My blogroll says it all.:)

29. Favorite Dessert/Sweet? 
Nothing special- anything that tickles the tastebuds, but is not too hard on the teeth.(Pun intended).

30. How many tabs are turned on in ur browser right now?

31. Favorite Season?
32. If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me?
Take your choice- upma,poha,omelette,boiled egg,papad,chai,coffee.

33. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you? 
Forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing. And, don’t get angry-you only end up hurting yourself further.

34. What are you afraid of the most?
The sound effects in horror movies. (The tomato sauce squirting around doesn’t scare me, of course)

35. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? 
Another beautiful day, another day to smile about, another day with all systems working-Thank You, God.

36. What brings a smile on your face instantly? 
Anything- could be Hinglish(Like the restaurant dialogue I put up on Facebook-overheard 2 days back:
“We serve 2 idlis in a bowel. We also serve separately”. (there goes my appetite again, says LP..haha)

37. A word that you say a lot? 
Thanks/Thank You.
38. When was the last time you did something nice? 
I/we try to do something nice everyday-makes me feel better- like, distributing fruits each Saturday to a poor family near our house, sponsoring another child for WWI on behalf of a relative, giving a sweater to a beggar sitting outside the Hanuman Temple, giving the non-used part of veggies to the cows(after throwing away the plastic bag at a different location since they eat that as well otherwise)….but, these are all things which should come naturally, courtesy the thought’ If God is good to you, you need to share the goodness around with those who need it.’  Right?

39. What would you do if you were made President of India for one day?
Nothing- I’d take a long walk through the corridors of Rashtrapati Bhavan. And, not use the ‘Rubber Stamp’.

40. Do you Know who Master SHIFU is? 
As LP said, I just googled it....don’t want to cramp the cranium with too much trivia.
Who do I tag now?

Austy, LP, Poo, Manju, Dee, Sush, Arunima,Cyn,Anz,Lopa..and anyone who wants to share their thoughts.

Cheerio. And have a great day.


Vinita Apte said…
Cool Answers...and I have tagged you...you cannot tag me back :P

That funny English with Bowels...heheh I actually snarfed milk through the nose. I was having my cereal at that time :)
AmitL said…
LOL..LP, this is more of a 'what are you doing now' kind of tag,so u can do it again.

ROFL at the English with Bowels.:)
~ Lopa said…
Nice tag Amit :o)

Well if Amsterdam is where you want to be in next hour, German won't help, you will need it's cousin language Dutch ;o)
The Ego said…
Thanks for tagging ... will do it tonight after classes.
Btw small request, can you refer to me by my screen-name? I've had a few problems with some ppl trying to find out who I really am and be unpleasant about it... thankssss!

Oh and I haven't had papad for AGESSSSSSSSSS
austere said…
Many many many happy birthdays Amitji.
Have a stupendous year!
Arunima said…
i keep collecting tags. :-)
Pooja said…
You tagged me I will do this soonly!!

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