Sign Language

Noticed this one during my walk today:
On the rear part of an autorickshaw:
Capacity: 3 Idiots
Only on going up closer did I notice the small print above it that said' Vinod Chopra films'.
Now, is that a smart bit of marketing or what?Of course, since he was standing right outside the main bus station, I wouldn't be surprised if the 3 idiots had been himself and the 2 people on either side with him on the front seat and the balance 4-5 behind as they usually do in share-a-rick.
(Waise, can you imagine the rickshaw seats being like the ones our three heroes are sitting on, in the pic?Quite comfy they'd be)
Another sign observed a few days back:
Jalaram Tea Stole
And another one outside an ice cream parlour:
Chocolate chips
with chocolate deep(Knowing the pronunciations here, can you guess what the deep stood for?)
Cheerio!Till next time.Got lots to write. But need to be in the right mood:)