Funniest moments from school days

Hi,all! Was fiddling around with the blog template. HTML-illiterate as I am(Maybe I'll make that a NY resolution-to pick up on HTML?), it took 2 hours to search, change,edit,et al, to arrive at where this template is now.Hope it looks a bit different from the previous one.

I was going to write about fun days and times from school days. So, here goes a look at some of the funniest people and moments from school days..more coming up as I recall them:

1. There was this guy, Dinesh- he used to deliver gems of information every now and then, and he'd end with'You see, Idea is India'.

2. There was this other guy, Prabhjyot. We used to have morning assembly, as all schools do. One of the prayers/anthems each week would be 'India is my country.(See link. General Pledge part) All Indians are my brothers and sisters'. Well, this guy would always add, in a louder-than required voice, and say 'All Indians are my brothers and sisters- except one'.(Pretty advanced, huh-thinking of marriage right from those days).

3. There was this teacher, Mr. Patel- he would always make interesting remarks like 'You can look over it, but don't overlook it' (referring to chapters in the books which were not so important)

4. There was this guy who used to always quote something funny about our teachers. Like, for one of our teachers who seemed to be putting on weight on either side, he said' First he slept on his back side, so that increased in size. Then, he slept on his tummy, and that increased in size'. So now, he's uniformly round.
I know, I know- these don't sound so funny when you're reading them, but picture these scenes/discussions in school and it makes you smile. In fact, why not make this a tag: Funniest moments from my school days.

Speaking of school days, do you have your school reports with you still? All neatly preserved and kept for the next generation to see? Or to enjoy on the days when you're on a nostalgia trip?

The first page is the 'princely' fees we had in Std I- amazing, huh? A monthly fee of 20 bucks..hehehe!

The second page is from the activities we did in Std I...wonder if such activities are still a part of school curriculum, or whether they're replaced by I.T. based activities now?

Cheerio...coming up next- Happy moments and people of 2009.:)


austere said…
Quite a hitech blog design.
Well-- its different.

You took me back to my schooldays...Choksi sir and Thakorbapa, the gandhian.

Which school was this 1st std marklist from?
Vinita Apte said…
hey nice layout...finally changed it huh.....unfortunately I do not have anything from my school days except memories.

Those were definitely fun days :)

A very Happy New year to you.
nice trip down memory lane...made me remember my school days!!!
Arunima said…
looks like you studied in K.V. :-)
Anonymous said…
Howdy i'm fresh to this. I came upon this site I have found It quite accessible and it's helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back & guide other people like its helped me.

Cheers, Catch You Later
Anonymous said…
Sup i'm new on here, I came accross this chat board I have found It amply helpful & it's helped me loads. I hope to give something back and guide other users like its helped me.

Thanks, See Ya Later.

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