Funniest moments from school days

Hi,all! Was fiddling around with the blog template. HTML-illiterate as I am(Maybe I'll make that a NY resolution-to pick up on HTML?), it took 2 hours to search, change,edit,et al, to arrive at where this template is now.Hope it looks a bit different from the previous one. I was going to write about fun days and times from school days. So, here goes a look at some of the funniest people and moments from school days..more coming up as I recall them: 1. There was this guy, Dinesh- he used to deliver gems of information every now and then, and he'd end with'You see, Idea is India'. 2. There was this other guy, Prabhjyot. We used to have morning assembly, as all schools do. One of the prayers/anthems each week would be 'India is my country.( See link. General Pledge part ) All Indians are my brothers and sisters'. Well, this guy would always add, in a louder-than required voice, and say 'All Indians are my brothers and sisters- except one'.(Pretty a...