Are they serious?

I know going green is the in thing to do, but, Poo(p) Paper? And, not human poo(p)-it's Haathi Chaap-a particular brand of paper that is not just hand-made,but is made by elephant poop.
The paper, supposedly one of the most ecologically safe papers to make and use, comes in many bright colours and doesn't stink.(Why not, I wonder? Don't elephants eat fried stuff ones in a while?) For one, you don't cut trees. All you do is wait for the elephant(as per the article) to finish it's 250 kgs meal, digest it and drop 100 kgs of dung(No wonder they're overweight, is my comment- if the rest 150 kgs is absorbed each time). Then, you collect the poop, use water to remove nutrients from it(Use this nutrient-rich water as fertilizer) and convert the fibrous waste to beautiful pooper,nee,paper.

The paper can be coloured any shade, though the original colour of the paper depends on what the elephant's diet of the day was.

I guess collecting elephant dung won't be the worst job in the world, after all. Can you imagine retailers, franchisees, et al- all going into this bright business? And, what kind of taxes and duties would our government charge, I wonder?
Again on unusual things, the latest 'in' thing(pun intended) in Japan is a man's br*. The company which brought it out(pun intended again) first thought it might not work(??) so they brought out only 50 pieces- they sold like hot cakes, and so they brought out 5000.. And, now it's a boo(b)ming(pun intended again) business.
Yet another funny piece- people who swear can lessen the feeling of physical pain...volunteers withstood pain more easily when they swore, compared to when they used anodyne words, in a study at Keele University in the English Midlands. Ah well, to each his own, I guess.:)


Vinita Apte said…
heheheh hilarious :)
Khamakha said…
lol.where do u get such unique news from ;)


Keshi said…

btw man-boobs r the biggest turn-off for me lol! ur punny post was great Amit! :)

austere said…
polite argh!
Arunima said…
haven't you put this up before? I think you have, when you spoke about different jobs.
Tickled pink said…
Amit my first reaction was eeyuck!
But then I thought... very unique.

Well we had no idea about this unique reality.

Nice and punny post.
Your writing style is very cool.
hey finally networld that my net connection at home.....
elephant paper...well am all support for it..but man bra?????????!!!!
whats the world coming to???

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