Then...and Now.

Thought for the day: Brevity is the soul of lingerie …………..Dorothy Parker
Routines: Then and now: 2002 to today.
Moments then: (Some of the worst ones)
- Morning: Standing in a queue from 630 AM, sometimes for 45 minutes, for the bus to arrive, hiding behind the lamp/signpost, during summer time, to avoid the sunrays(but not the horrible humidity), not finding a place to sit, and going standing amidst the stinky vapoured homo sapiens present.
- At work: Handling purchasing for 9-12 projects at a single time(peak period), having ½ a dozen people from each project calling me, some screaming, some shouting(People always have a tendency to offload their pressures on others).
- Evening: Standing for 45 minutes to one hour for the bus, rarely finding a place to sit for the slow(traffic-laden) journey of an hour, bus filled with some more of the same homo sapiens as above, reaching home all tired out, by 830-9 PM. Or, going home walking, which’d be a good 45-50 minutes walk, since it was faster than waiting for the bus. Falling asleep by 0930 PM.
- Going to work during that period of workaholic-ism, even on the sole Friday holiday, from 11 AM to 4 PM(minimum), to try and cope up with pending works.
- Feeling that the financials of the whole thing did not justify the efforts put in, but, still continuing doggedly, courtesy my ‘never say die’ attitude.
Moments now:
- Morning: Strolling across the road, to where the Company bus picks me up, at 0720. Reaching office, without a feather, err, hair, ruffled. Listening to Hindi songs on FM Radio on the way, with the chit-chatty announcers talking nineteen-to-the-dozen.
- At work: Handling three projects(One of them being a mega one), no-one shouting or screaming their head off(In fact, here, no-one’s allowed to shout, as per Aussie H.O. regulations, I believe.*smiles at passing by colleague*). Being able to pack up and move by 0530 PM on most days.
- Company bus picking me up at 0530, and being home by 0615 PM, latest. Being able to go for long walks/ gymming, et al.
- A much better financial package than the original one of y2k2.
So, why do I still feel so bugged during/ at the end of the day, on quite a few days? Why do Saturday/ Sunday seem to fly by faster than the one-holiday- Fridays used to, four-five years back?
Routines: Then and now: 2002 to today.
Moments then: (Some of the worst ones)
- Morning: Standing in a queue from 630 AM, sometimes for 45 minutes, for the bus to arrive, hiding behind the lamp/signpost, during summer time, to avoid the sunrays(but not the horrible humidity), not finding a place to sit, and going standing amidst the stinky vapoured homo sapiens present.
- At work: Handling purchasing for 9-12 projects at a single time(peak period), having ½ a dozen people from each project calling me, some screaming, some shouting(People always have a tendency to offload their pressures on others).
- Evening: Standing for 45 minutes to one hour for the bus, rarely finding a place to sit for the slow(traffic-laden) journey of an hour, bus filled with some more of the same homo sapiens as above, reaching home all tired out, by 830-9 PM. Or, going home walking, which’d be a good 45-50 minutes walk, since it was faster than waiting for the bus. Falling asleep by 0930 PM.
- Going to work during that period of workaholic-ism, even on the sole Friday holiday, from 11 AM to 4 PM(minimum), to try and cope up with pending works.
- Feeling that the financials of the whole thing did not justify the efforts put in, but, still continuing doggedly, courtesy my ‘never say die’ attitude.
Moments now:
- Morning: Strolling across the road, to where the Company bus picks me up, at 0720. Reaching office, without a feather, err, hair, ruffled. Listening to Hindi songs on FM Radio on the way, with the chit-chatty announcers talking nineteen-to-the-dozen.
- At work: Handling three projects(One of them being a mega one), no-one shouting or screaming their head off(In fact, here, no-one’s allowed to shout, as per Aussie H.O. regulations, I believe.*smiles at passing by colleague*). Being able to pack up and move by 0530 PM on most days.
- Company bus picking me up at 0530, and being home by 0615 PM, latest. Being able to go for long walks/ gymming, et al.
- A much better financial package than the original one of y2k2.
So, why do I still feel so bugged during/ at the end of the day, on quite a few days? Why do Saturday/ Sunday seem to fly by faster than the one-holiday- Fridays used to, four-five years back?
On to the end jokes:
"Johnny," the teacher started, "do you know what 'paranoia' means?"
"It's not a word, teach, it's several words," Johnny replied.
"Whatever do you mean by that?"
"It's not a word, teach, it's several words," Johnny replied.
"Whatever do you mean by that?"
"It's like when you go into a restaurant and a well endowed waitress with a low cut uniform reaches in front of you and says, 'does my paranoia'?"
Did you hear about the nymph-o at the hotel pool? She was barred from the area after the lifeguard saw her go down for the third time.
Till next time, keep smiling.
But interesting to see how you're aware of it.