Sign Language

Thought for the day: "There are two kinds of people who never amount to much: those who cannot do what they are told, and those who can do nothing else."- Cyrus Curtis Remember the last time I wrote about hilarious signs seen in and around Dubai? Like, there was: - Baby Sitting In Karama.(Each word on a separate line) - Hair cut, baby cut, Dhadi(beard) cut(At a barber’s shop- in price list) - Female bed spacers required(This is a common one. What happens is that people give out rooms for rent, and, it’s just bedspace, in the true sense of the word,with barely any,err, room in the room left). Any guesses as to where I spotted these, and what they stand for? - Men’s glouse - Men’s shots(And,there’s an arrow pointing straight) (If you comprehend them, you deserve to be here) ----------- What do you think of the captions for this week? Here ----------- Having become something of a poem reader,after reading so many nice ones on blogs, here's one I received from a group which i...