Talking of exteriors

Thought for the day: I'm a psychic amnesiac. I know in advance what I'll forget. -Michael McShane

Do you ever stop to think why just the ‘exteriors’ make us happy, without our really looking into the interiors? Why do we go with face value most of the time?

For example, whether it’s flats or furniture or people, how often do you scrape the surface to see what’s beneath that exterior? That lovely flat might have a leaking ceiling above the false ceiling, the polished furniture might have holes and termites inside the wood. Or, scrape the wall and the bundle of wires ready to catch fire would be a real,err,’shocker’.

Or, take cars- how thrilled we are to see the body of one of the big brands, be it a toyota or a merc. But, see it after an accident, and it’s one big mish-mesh of metal…even if you see a car being serviced , you wonder- is this what that great beautiful body was hiding all the time?

And, best of all: people- does Miss Charming, that symbol of pulchritude (lissome/buxom babe, in cruder terms) really have the same smiling interior as she does on the exterior? Beneath that dazzling exterior, might be hidden a rotten interior,na?(Touchwood, I haven’t come across any, err, extreme cases as yet). Or, the other way round, for gals: How many times does that tall, dark, handsome n polite guy, finally turn out to be just tall, dark and hands?

I think it’s just as important to see the inner beauty as it is to see the outer part, which is why, perhaps, they say ‘beauty is not just skin deep’…grin..anyway, those were just some passing thoughts which came to mind during a rare few idle moments this week. What do you think? How many times have you analyzed a person this way?


Seinfeld had me ROFL in one of his episodes a few days back. He goes “ Laundry day is the only exciting day in the life of clothes. Clothes spend most of their lives waiting in the closet, in the hamper, in the drawer. There are shirts in your house going, "He never picks me." The washing machine is the nightclub of clothes. It's dark, bubbles happening, they are all kind of dancing around. The shirt grabs the underwear. "Come on, babe, let's go..."

Taking that further, what do you think the following would say:

1. The sock(s).

2. The handkerchief

3. The trousers

4. The baniyans

5. The towel

6. The pillowcase

7. Anything else that you put in the washing m/c.

I also wondered what clothes would be feeling in our traditional ‘slap/beat with the bat’ kind of washing, by Bais(maids)/ at dhobighats? Interesting topic, na?


This one's too funny,not to share with you.From rediff ishare. Check it out.The curryandricegirl

End jokes:

- There was this blonde.(hahaha). She saw a sign saying "Wet Floor." So she did.

- One day a small boy was at school. In Social Studies class his teacher was talking about peoples last names, about how in the old days their last name used to be their occupation. She gave examples like Baker, which meant they where a baker for a living, Miller meant that person worked in a mill, and so on. Then the little boy raised his hand and the teacher said "Do you have an example for the class?" He said " Not really, more of a question." "Well what's your question?" the teacher asked. "Well," said the little boy, "What did John Hancock do for a living?" (Kids today are too inquisitive, na?)

- Have you ever noticed the mannequins in the store have the natural look, the bra-less look. They have a sweater on with little points. Why would I buy a sweater that can't keep a mannequin warm? -Elayne Boosler (That one's a comment, but, I found it hilarious)

Till next time, keep smiling.


cj° said…
great work! like everytime!
and love the song, dont get the lyrics right thou, theres so much energy!
the shirt in the closet says: "he never picks me" hahaha :D got me LOL at 1am. :p
and thanx, I'm surviving. And, I guess it's human psychology to go for what LOOKS good. Atleast for once. for the first time. But then again, we learn from experiences. isn't it?
cj° said…
great work! like everytime!
and love the song, dont get the lyrics right thou, theres so much energy!
the shirt in the closet says: "he never picks me" hahaha :D got me LOL at 1am. :p
and thanx, I'm surviving. And, I guess it's human psychology to go for what LOOKS good. Atleast for once. for the first time. But then again, we learn from experiences. isn't it?
ninkita said…
lol!!! yeah, i totally agree with you about the whole interior-exterior thing, but i still want things around me pretty cause that makes me happy! As for people, i've discovered i actually almost forget what a person looks like if they're really close, cause then when you look at them, you see what they esentially are rather than whether their nose is crooked or not!
Such a splendid post. and how true. often we are drawn to what meets the eye before even looking beyond the eyes. Human i guess. But as they say, surface never last long. At the end of the day, its what lies beneath the skin that most people settle for when it comes to long term i guess.

Love the picture and once again how true!! lol!

Marlee said…
I was here!

Funny Jokes :)
Keshi said…
well I guess thats the way HUMANS operate. Shallow it is..but unfortunately it's human nature. But there r few ppl who scratch the surface and look deep inside.


LOL @jokes!

AmitL said…
Hi,CJ..*blush blush*at your compliment.LOL-yes,I loved the laundry dialogues..did you think any,from the list I made?Whew-you read blogs at 1 AM?(Nice time).

And,yes,we do learn from experiences.:)
AmitL said…
Hi,Ninkita,that was one nice comment..yes,pretty people around does make one happy,but,don't you wonder whether you're just seeing the surface,and,not really the shine beneath?And,again,your comment also shows how less the exterior matters,once you know a person well.nice going.:)
AmitL said…
Hi,SweetSC..that's a sweet comment.:)Even I feel that people,in the long term,settle for what's beneath the skin,but,in the surface-check,heaven knows how many good opportunities they miss,na?Cheers.
AmitL said…
Hi,Marlee..noted that u were here and enjoyed the jokes.hehe.:)
AmitL said…
Hi,Keshi..yes,there are few people who scratch the surface and look inside..well said.:)

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