My first post on this blog begins.I've been regularly blogging rediff(http://amitsmusings.rediffblogs.com) and thought I'd try out what the world outside rediff is like.So,here goes.

Was watching the Glad Rags Contest on the tele two days back.Some of the questions, were of such a 'highly intellectual nature',that I think the contestants who were asked these questions,were left stumped and blushing. Example:
1) If love is blind, why do sexy clothes sell so well?
2) What,according to you, is the perfect male in bed?(or,something to that effect).
The seriousness with which the questions were answered,was quite surprising.I thought they were raised (No pun intended) in good humour and the answers were also expected to be given in equally good humour.

Now,I know,we're trying to make our Contests reach world standards, but,don't such questions become a bit too much,even for the contestants?

Then, there's also the contestants,first the females, strutting around in 'brief' bikinis, followed by the guys in,err,briefs,of course.LOL..

More coming up in the next post.


Blame the Blog said…
welcome to the world of blogspot.... just surfed on in from dnasha's page.

i agree that questions like these become a bit too much for the contestants... but its probably nothing compared to the kind of stuff that they have to go through back stage. I have many friends and direct family who have taken part at pagents such as gladrags and have done well for themselves ( well... to a certain extent ) and .... do they have stories to tell... or what ?? ;)

keep blogging...

(Happy Diwali and Eid Mubarak on www.artraj.com)
Alpha said…
hey! nice clean look.
doc said…
No offences but I always wondered why do people waste their times watching these stupid paegents show. (apart from the biggies like miss india or miss universe).

They are neither intresting nor entertaining. Girls get money for showing their curves, organizers get more money, celebrities find their page 3 spot and ppl like us just kill our time for nothing.

Anyways welcome to blogger. I switched long ago, what took you so long. :)
Peg said…
Hello there Amit! Thanks for stopping by and for your thoughtful comment!!
Glad to see your getting your feet wet!

See you soon!

Enigma said…
good tht u switched over to blogspot..rediff is blocked in my office :(..anyways i think beauty contestents r bunch of bimboes strutting arnd..its not worth our time :)
Wunderkind said…
hi Amit. good to see you on blogspot, welcome!!
i never watch these silly contests, they're just a waste of time....btw, bud-day was 7jun and thanks for the wishes!! oh, when is yours??
what is your rediff blog link?
AmitL said…
Hi,everyone....sorry,I've not been too active on this blog yet..And,Ankoo,my rediff blogling is: http://amitsmusings.rediffblogs.com
Aekta said…
Time to update my blogroll :-)) Welcome to blogspot!
Viewer said…
Yeah i do agree with u infact I sometime wonder if the organizers are indian version of blonde bimbos.

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