
Just sharing something which is a clear indication of how well the Secret works, whether we know about it or not. Today, I complete 33 years of working life. Back in 1988, I was having a vacation after college ended, in another city, and had left my CV with a friend, to apply on my behalf. Well, he applied, his own and my CV, along with 126 others. The first interview, on 4th June, had me falling in love with the office location, and the genial office environment. I sent out a wish, that I be one of the people selected for the job. Well, this followed the second interview, and the 128 people were narrowed down to 64 and then 16 and then 4 of us. The final interview was on 8th June, and, I was the last one called in, and the only one selected. That was the first incident of The Secret working in my life. During the 13.5 years in my first job, I can recall so many instances where the Secret worked, and, helped me reach from a Graduate Engineer trainee, to an Engineering Manager. In ...