First Domestic Flight Experience

First Domestic Flying Experience: Today, I am somehow reminded of my first flight within India, and, then, the first flight outside India, both in the nineties.. both were memorable ones. The first flight within India was from Baroda to Mumbai for a two day training session… we(me and a colleague AJ ) were in Blue Star, and were nominated to attend a training program at the last moment.. the airline was Air Deccan, now defunct, I think, and the aircraft was the small fokker aircraft, where if you stand full height, you might bang the roof or door frame. 😊 Both of us were pretty nervous…since we had no experience of flying at all. We decided to imitate the guy sitting next to us. It started when the seatbelts were to be fastened… we couldn’t get the hang of it even after observing him and finally asked him the methodology for want of a better term and followed suit. (and, there has been no looking back since then, so to speak - where tying a seat belt in an aircraft is conce...